Title: Exploring International Relations as a Career Option after UPSC


Cracking the UPSC exam opens the door to a multitude of career opportunities. While many aspirants envision a path in civil services, there are alternative avenues that can be equally fulfilling. One such option is pursuing a career in international relations. Equipped with a comprehensive understanding of public administration and governance, UPSC aspirants possess the necessary skills and knowledge to thrive in this field. In this article, we will delve into international relations as a viable career option after UPSC and the exciting prospects it offers.

1. Diplomacy and Foreign Service:

For UPSC aspirants with a keen interest in global affairs and diplomatic relations, a career in the foreign service is a natural fit. As diplomats, you would represent your country, engage in negotiations, and foster diplomatic dialogues on various international issues. This career path offers opportunities to work in embassies, consulates, and international organizations, contributing to cross-cultural understanding and participating in diplomatic initiatives.

2. International Organizations and NGOs:

UPSC achievers can make a significant impact by working in international organizations such as the United Nations (UN), World Bank, or non-governmental organizations (NGOs). These institutions tackle global challenges ranging from poverty eradication to sustainable development and human rights. Roles in policy analysis, program management, or research allow you to shape global agendas and implement impactful projects worldwide.

3. Research and Think Tanks:

A career in research and think tanks is an excellent choice for UPSC aspirants interested in policy analysis and strategic thinking. These institutions focus on conducting research, analyzing global trends, and providing insights on various issues. Working in think tanks allows you to contribute to policy recommendations, influence decision-making processes, and shape national and international policies.

4. International Development and Aid Agencies:

UPSC achievers passionate about socio-economic development and humanitarian work can explore opportunities in international development and aid agencies. Organizations like the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) or international non-profit organizations offer roles in project management, policy formulation, and implementation. By working in these agencies, you contribute to improving lives in developing countries and addressing global challenges.

5. Academic and Teaching Positions:

With a strong foundation in public administration and governance, UPSC achievers can pursue academic and teaching positions in the field of international relations. Through research, teaching, and mentoring, you can contribute to nurturing the next generation of global leaders. Academic careers provide opportunities for intellectual exploration, thought leadership, and the dissemination of knowledge in international relations.


While cracking the UPSC exam paves the way for prestigious administrative positions, a career in international relations offers diverse and rewarding prospects for UPSC achievers. Whether in diplomacy, international organizations, think tanks, development agencies, or academia, the field of international relations provides a platform to engage with global issues, contribute to diplomacy, and make a meaningful impact on the world stage. Leveraging their knowledge and skills gained through the UPSC exam, UPSC achievers can embark on a fulfilling journey in the dynamic world of international relations.